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Reflection on Sunday's Gospel, Mark 10


Today a beggar begs from Jesus
He begs that he could see.
He Begged by saying: Jesus son of David have mercy on me.
Many rebuked him to be silent, but he kept saying, Jesus son of David have mercy on me.
The words of the beggar could be a powerful prayer for every Christian , Every Christian could ask Jesus by saying , "Jesus son of David have mercy on me"
Majority of the people in the world do not like to see, they want to look but not see.
This beggar wants to see, seeing means seeing something deeper.
He wanted to see God, he did not want to look, want to have a great deep look on God and His creations.
They say:
"Eyes that see are rare but the eyes that look are common"
God is always among us and within us but can we see him,
we must ask God everyday the sight to see
This beggar was healed and he followed Jesus.
After we begin to see, we must follow him, not just going to church every Sunday but our life should become Jesus centered. We should look, live and sound like Jesus.


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