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Showing posts from June, 2022

Spirituality of Pope Francis

My Spirituality

Spiritual nourishment for July 1,2022

Spiritual nourishment for June 30,2022

A story of a tree in America

Learning from wild life

مقدس پطرس اور پولوس کئ عید مبارک ھو

Walking good for your heart

جون 28,2022 کی روحانی غذا

Spiritual nourishment for June 27,2022

مذھب، خدا اور روحانیت کیا ھے؟

Three kinds of people, explore with me!

What’s the secret of success?

Thirteen Sunday in ordinary time, June 26,2022.

Do we worship our mobile phones?

یوحنا اصطباغی کی عید مبارک ھو- جون 25,2022

A great people of Loreto, 270 TDA, Layyah, Pakistan

آج کی روحانی غذا-ؔ جون 2022,24

There is time for everything

I & iPhone

Younis Khushi’s book on children ethics

Spiritual nourishment for June 23,2022

Spiritual nourishment for June 22,2023

Stay Positive

Staying Positive could be helpful, if you are positive about yourself, you will be positive about others.  Positivity helps you to be positive, happy and successful, Stay Positive.Naeem 

جون 2022,21 کی روحانی غذا

Prayer for Father’s Day

Spiritual nourishment, June 20,2022

The rule of dad in formation of children

Spiritual nourishment for June 19,2022

My Spiritual Father Bishop Patras Yousaf

Remembering P. M. Jamil on Father’s Day

آج کی روحانی غذا- جون 2022,18

آج کی روحانی غذا- جون 2022,16

Spiritual nourishment for June 15,2022

آج کی روحانی غذا-ؔجون 2022,14

Discovering God behind the beauty!

Spiritual nourishment for June 13,2022

پاک تثلیث کی عید مبارک ھو، جون 2022,12

جون2022,11 کی روحانی غذا

جون 2022,10 کی روحانی غذا

جون 2022,09 کی روحانی غذا-

Hamid Henry a theologian- Naeem Harry

Fr. Bonnie Mendes, Father of Development

جون 2022,08 کی روحانی غذا

What is the secret of happiness?

جون 2022,06 کی روحانی غذا-

Spiritual nourishment for June 7,2022